Monday, July 28, 2008

The Blade Liger

One of my most valuable lessons about money so far was actually taught to me by a toy. It was a blade liger that I bought on clearance at a Giant Tiger. It was only a few dollars, five, I think. I thought that having a few toys would help me regain some of my lost childhood. Though as I finished assembling the kit, I quickly realized that it was going to be little more than an ornament on my desk. A lot of stuff is simply junk and I see that a lot of the stuff I had as a child was simply junk.
On the other hand, some things are timeless. I still appreciate stuffed animals. They're soft and fuzzy and well, soft things are very nice for relaxing. They're also there when you need a hug, granted it takes larger ones now that I'm bigger. If it were all up to me, I'd probably bring my whole collection down from the closet and have everything in bed. People bug me about that though. When I'm around more understanding people, that's something I'll be doing.

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