Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Well, it happens to everyone

I guess I was really expecting him to hang on a bit longer than that, but my dad passed away. One of my co-workers told me that it took him 25 years to get over the loss of his dad, though those were exceptional circumstances. I'm determined not to let this ruin my life now that I've started laying the foundation, or more correctly digging the big hole to lay the foundation in.
Bought some more as the markets dipped before he died, so kind of a light test of my emergency fund plan. I had a full pay cheque's worth of cash in my chequing account, immediately moved what I won't be needing into my savings account and I should still have a week's pay coming to me. Heh, things going down before I buy them was a new feeling for me. Things continuing downwards was nothing new, though the immediate feedback of loosing $100 of market value while adjusting my chair was new. Then I gained 60, so was down 40 while I was getting over the awe of something new. Never tried a direct access broker before and watching things day by day doesn't give a good feel for how much these things bounce minute by minute.
Anyway, fun time is over, and acquisition plans are on hold again. Time to sort out a lot of things. My dad's time in the hospital probably helped speed up the grieving process a bit. Most of my wild mood swings occurred while he was still alive. I haven't been too overwhelmed about it. The time also gave him the opportunity to see all his friends from far and wide one more time. All things considered, I think spending a month struggling for life probably isn't the way most people would rather go. My dad was always kind of stubborn though. He went out the same way he lived his life, refusing to compromise on what he wanted.

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