Friday, July 4, 2008

General randomness

Today's random number is 1446. I have no idea how I got to that number, but hopefully it'll help me home in on my future financial freedom day. Ok, I'm actually estimating it based off my wage, market yields and estimated living expenses, but I have no methodology, I just pulled a number out of my head.
Anyway, I was having a little trouble with the market today. I found myself with only some of the data I usually get. Yes, it's the 4th of July and the US markets are closed, but I can't think of a decent reason why I don't see all the information I usually do on the Canadian markets. Yeah, that's my trouble with the markets today. I had trouble with access, no major losses or what not.
I also have a few predictions to make about the future. There are concerns about inflation and it seems to be getting a bit more news every time there's an interest rate announcement scheduled. I don't see interest rates going up nearly as quickly as they went down. That's going to be pinned down by fear of collapsing the economy. I hesitate to make a quantitative guess as to where interest rates will be a year from now. Maybe if I make a new guess each day for a week and take an average. That study really amuses me.

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