Friday, June 20, 2008

I keep hearing...

I keep hearing about how expensive restaurants are but the way I see things, they seem rather cheap. It's an age where it's hard to find a home for less than a quarter million dollars, and at first glance it seems like there's a somewhat decent selection of restaurants available for less than that...
Yeah, I know that when people talk about restaurants being expensive, they mean that eating out there is expensive. I'm not all that interested in restaurants, well maybe a fast food franchise. Anyway, one of the things I'm considering doing in the future is buying a small company. Likely a fast food franchise with a big thick instruction book that will ensure smooth, simple operation. I think it's something that I'd like to pursue. For a while anyway...
In general, I don't think I'd want to sell my investment portfolio to buy a company. Though at this point, I think I'd be hard pressed not to keep a substantial investment portfolio once it's established. If I were to go down this route, I think I'd work a bit longer and make some decisions on what I'd like to sell.

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