Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling petty

My dad clipped a job ad from the paper for me and I didn't take it well. Personally, I don't trust them enough to discuss that sort of stuff with them and I feel that it was a very unwelcome intrusion. Tried to sleep it off, still feeling a little out of it now. Took up hiding in my room and not talking to people. I know there's no reason to be bitter about it. Though somehow, I feel that they should know by now that I do not feel comfortable discussing my future with them. Slept most of the day away, then went out when everyone started coming home.
Does odd behavior become more acceptable when you're willing to admit that you're being irrational and petty? Or maybe the story here isn't that my depression is worse than I'd like to admit but rather that I simply hate my parents.

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