Sunday, March 1, 2009

Interesting thought while shopping

I was wandering around and ran into an item that I didn't expect to see. It was a package of plastic balls, kids play in big pits of them. It was an interesting moment for me, I was laughing and arranged them in a stack a few different ways trying to estimate the volume of them. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that it would take about a week's pay to create a modestly sized personal ball pit. More importantly though, I came to the conclusion that I really can have what I want, no matter how eccentric it is. Nothing would have stopped me from pouring pack after pack of those into a kiddy pool, or for the depth I was eyeing, putting four pillars on a piece of ply and surrounding it with a tarp. I just have to figure out what it is that I want and as long as priorities are covered, most things aren't too outrageous.

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