Friday, March 27, 2009

Small Wish List

47 days down. Somehow that's moved to the top of my mind. Anyway, end of month three, and the end of 2009Q1. I'm trying something new next month, volunteering. More of a hanging out with a bunch of fun folk, taking pictures and having fun. At least that's my impression of what's going to happen. Maybe I'll be wrong. I've got a goal of taking 200 pictures at that event. Also contemplating a new camera. There's a kids IR spy cam on clearance at walmart that I'm thinking about. Maybe if it gets marked down further. There's still quite a few. Part of me feels saddened that it's probably a sign that there'll be fewer non-main stream goods attempted.
Other than that, I'm hoping to get another good deal on my investments, positioning for another purchase next month. How well that goes weighs in on my spending as well.
Also on my shopping list, I feel the need for a pencil case. Pens and pencils are organized easily enough, though I'd also like to keep staplers and eventually a three-hole punch there and I also have paper clips to store. Strangely for something this cheap and simple, I don't simply go out and get a pencil case. Maybe that's taking things too far, but I like to survey my options before I get something. It brings me joy. I also don't have my own three-hole punch yet.

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