Saturday, September 13, 2008

You can't live life without any luxuries

In another one of my talks with various co-workers one of them told me about how he was contemplating buying a new HD tv. He told me that his concern wasn't so much the cost, but it was all the extras that were with it. You need the HDMI cables to get the most out of it, the bluray as well. Then there's the digital cable that will get you over and over again every month. It all adds up. The thing that struck me about it was not so much that I was having a casual conversation about money, but it made me realise something about myself. Life to me is not so much about the day to day things as it is about the bigger things. Most of my life has been about throwing all my resources at a single objective. I suppose this is easier done when you're young and haven't been out of school for too long. Homework kind of helps create a very focused life. For a while, things are very focused, specially around major deadlines and exams.
I'm not necessarily saying that it's a healthy way to live, but for now it's just the only way I know how to live my life. It has rather violent ups and downs. I don't think that this is the sort of life that leads to longevity, though I suppose that's something that can be sacrificed, like so many other things, to meet an objective.

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