Sunday, October 19, 2008

Alternative visualizations

Goals are only good if they’re well defined. They key to doing any big task is to break it down into small manageable parts. Old clichés but well, I felt the need to do something innovative. My goal right now is essentially to get up to the point where I don’t need to work to make ends meet, which I’ve roughly defined as being half of minimum wage. Though I really would feel a lot better with full minimum wage. Anyway, 52 weeks in a year, 26 letters in the alphabet. I think I’ll visualize my goal as being the letters of the alphabet. Each one being worth one week of minimum wage earnings per year, or about $8.40/hr x 40hr/week = $336. The important part is the beginning, so I’ll put the capital letters there.
I’m nowhere near as far along as I would like to be in my goal. For now I’ll use the excuse of most of my resources are tied up in a bridge loan to bail out the family holding firm. For now, I express my progress as being 2 weeks or visually as

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