Thursday, April 2, 2009

strange dreams this time

Well, that was a strange mix of dreams. I forgot the first one, but I was superman for a while, it was shortly after I had moved out and I was dropping by the old place for one more night. Then I spotted and evil plot and sprung into action, after confronting the villain, I was me again and superman was rescuing me. Someone asked about the chances of there being more aliens on earth and all manner of strange creatures started popping in. After making it out, I woke up
Next set, I forget how it starts, though there was a love interest with someone at a fast food joint. We were hanging out at her place and my relatives kept dropping by. It turns out they knew her and she was a family friend that I didn't know about. Oh, before that I was going to school, there was something to do with stargate technology there, a major space battle with an alternate reality intruder. There was a lot of military training going on in the area after and a big tank technology demo. Then the love story somehow starts.

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