Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picking A Computer to Last A Decade

Ten years is a long time for a computer these days. I think most of them get replaced every two to three years or more. I'm wondering if I can pick one that I'll be happy with for ten years or more. This question is largely prompted by the slow death of my computer monitor and the rise of the netbook. Apparently, they pack about as much processing power as my current desktop computer, and I'd probably have to say that I want faster sometimes. Granted, they have a lot more ram than I do on my desktop and probably better video too. Without a good idea of just what limits my computer's performance, it's hard to say.
Most of the time though, I'm just humming away on my current laptop, which is a 12 year old Pentium MMX running at 166MHz with 64MB of ram. I've owned it for 7 years and it's still going strong. I don't particularly want to replace it, but again, more speed would be nice and there's a fan that grinds in there. Fortunately, that fan only powers up when it gets hot and if the noises are any indication, I'm not a particularly heavy user.
Anyway, I've heard good rumors about the new atom, and arm's possible entry into the market. Also, I hear windows 7 is supposed to be less of a resource hog than Vista or XP. Maybe when I finally get around to it, I can find something that I'll be happy with for a decade or so that'll also hold me down when my monitor finally does break.

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