Saturday, December 6, 2008

Feeling more depressed

It's not the holidays that's depressing me, it's the milestones. Two and a half years into what I've started calling the lost decade. My brother is insisting that I go back to school and telling me that nothing will change if I save up money instead of needing to ask for it every year. He also doesn't remember all the times everyone freaked out about stuff going wrong and kept me from taking care of it. Then there's the invasive probing and circular arguements that we had about money the first time I was going to school. Personally, I think the best thing to do is to avoid those probelms, which he can't seem to recall.
There's no good reason for him to really remember anyway, those were events in my life, not his. I don't know who he was playing in those big out of town hockey tournements he played in or how his team placed, but I wager that he does. His life, not mine.
Right now, waiting two years feels like a great idea. I can be away, I can avoid needing to ask for money, I can sustain myself for a while afterwards if I don't get a job right away. Also, on the external side, investments are cheap right now and the supply of students is high.

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