Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Writing my own accounting program

Question of the day, do I feel like writing my own expense tracker? What leads me to ask is that I haven't quite been happy with all the things I've currently tried. There's some calculations I like to do which are impossible to perform with the way things are recorded. Though most of those are superfluous and of no important consequential value. I've also been lacking decent intellectual stimulation lately.
On the other hand, I'm not really up to date on any programming languages but I have dabbled in this sort of thing on and off for quite a while now. I also don't have a good history of finishing things, kind of like how I don't really achieve most of the goals I've been setting.
Not sure if I should really start this project or how well it'll go, but I suppose it's something worth trying out. Though maybe in the mean time I'll find something else to use just for the sake of having records.

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