Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Situation is Different

I just woke up from a rather insulting dream. I was at a party with an old friend and everyone there had important sounding jobs. It felt like they were rubbing it in that I wasn't important. When I woke up, I figured out why very quickly. I left an audio book playing full of stories about people who let their parents sabotage their life.
I hope I'm not just in denial, but my situation is different. I'm independent and strong. What makes me different is that I'm just here because it lets me build up wealth quicker. Maybe it'll be easier to illustrate this once I get back to my regular accounting by the end of the month, which is creeping up quickly. I am indeed building up wealth. At this point, I'll estimate that I'm saving roughly 75% of my after tax income. Now to prove that
Anyway, I've decided that their opinion doesn't matter to me, which is why I quit talking to them about my future. That's going to be harder to pull off than just making a decision. I can also appreciate what I'm capable of, I just don't have much of an idea of what I want to do at this point.
My dad says that I'm completely insane for considering become a doctor. Not going to let that dictate what my options are. At the same time, I'm not going to let myself gravitate towards that simply to prove him wrong. Getting an MD shouldn't be an academic exercise, specially with the healthcare needs today, I shouldn't be displacing someone else's spot if I'm not going to be in for the long haul. That should be a long rant for another post, not a side discussion in this one.
Separating what I want from the general conflict between me and my parents is going to be a tough challenge. I'm trying to make a decision based off emotional appeal, but eventually, making a list and scoring options based off whatever criteria I decide will be important to me might be my best option. It doesn't feel right making a decision of this type using that method.
I'm not sure whether or not I've calmed down or gotten even more worked up after writing this. One day things are going to change. For now though it seems to be in my best interest to maintain the status quo. I need money to invest in my future. I've also managed to increase my income a bit. The past two weeks my employer has asked me to do some overtime. Absolutely huge list of securities I want to get. Then again, with share prices typically ranging from roughly $20-$70 or so, three or four becomes a rather prohibitive list for acquisition.

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