Monday, September 29, 2008

Still Sliding

Does this count as two market blips or just one with a breather in the middle? It looks like it'll be a while before I can really do a comparison of market drops for the year. There sure have been a lot of them.
It looks like pretty much everything is down across the board. Since I tossed together my own index and seeded it with values from sept 23, it's down 6.01%, the s&p tsx capped reit index is down 5.95%, so I'm not doing any better, though it's only been a few trading days, and both those are ignoring yield. Not that it really means anything right now other than I seem to be matching the day to day market fluctuations. No clue if I'll do better in the long run, though off hand, I have better yield by 0.9%. Though that doesn't matter either since I can easily be out grown 0.9%. It's tempting to update my spreadsheet and see if there's a better way I can allocate the cash I'm assuming I can save up by the end of next year. Who knows, maybe this will actually wind up being more than a recreational exercise.
Also reminds me that I haven't written down anything about how I decided on actual share amounts. Maybe I should decide on a methodology for how I'm going to use the data to actually go about investing. Though that'll have to wait for another night. Late and tired, and being depressed doesn't help either.

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